Records Requests
Records Requests
Most HCO records are kept seven years from the last university action, after which they are permanently expunged. In certain situations, it is necessary to keep a record indefinitely, such as when a student has been permanently expelled from BYU or if they leave without resolving their case. Students may request a copy of their record. Please be aware that FERPA laws allow universities up to 45 days to accommodate this request. Students can view the record free of charge in the HCO.
Students may take a copy of any page of the record with them, whether in paper or digital form, at the rate of 50 cents per page (total charges of copies are capped at $25 per student regardless of total pages requested). After reviewing the information, if a student feels the HCO record is incomplete or inaccurate, they may submit additional information to be added per the Access to Student Records policy
HCO records may be requested by individuals or entities other than the student (e.g., application inquiries from other educational institutions, graduate programs, etc.). Such requests for information from a student’s education record are made with a student’s prior authorization in accordance with their FERPA privacy rights.
If you would like to request your record or have any questions, please contact the HCO at 801.422.2847 or