Beard Waivers - Honor Code Skip to main content

Beard Waivers

The Honor Code Office (HCO) oversees the process for students seeking a waiver to the university’s Dress and Grooming Standards.

If you are a faculty or professional staff member, please contact Human Resources. The information below is the process for students.

BYU considers requests for waivers to the Dress and Grooming Standards on a case-by-case basis. Below are three formally identified areas where requests are considered.

  • Medical: Pseudo folliculitis Barbae is the only medical diagnosis for which a beard waiver will be considered. Please visit this webpage for more information on how to initiate the process.
    • Temporary exemptions may be considered as a student heals from a surgery or serious injury which limits his ability to shave.
  • Theatrical: Productions through the BYU Theatre and Media Arts department, may be considered for a beard waiver. Productions from other entities are not eligible for a waiver to BYU’s Dress and Grooming Standards.
  • Religious: BYU will consider requests made by individuals for religious reasons.

If you are unsure who to contact for initiating the process to request a waiver to the Dress and Grooming Standards, please reach out to the HCO at 801.422.2847 or

  • 1. Meet with the designated office or person that makes recommendations based upon the nature of your request.
    2. That office will submit the necessary documentation to the HCO, either recommending or not recommending the student for a waiver.
    3. Once this documentation is received and if approved, the HCO will reach out to the student, via email, to complete the agreement forms and explain the parameters of the exception.