Ecclesiastical Endorsements and Resources - Honor Code Skip to main content

Ecclesiastical Endorsements and Resources

The Ecclesiastical Endorsement focuses on a student’s efforts to grow spiritually and meet ecclesiastical expectations, which is an important part of accomplishing BYU’s religious mission.

Students must obtain and maintain an active ecclesiastical endorsement in order to be admitted to BYU, continue class enrollment, and graduate.

Ecclesiastical Endorsements are valid for 12 months. While a student will not be removed from any current classes, they will not be able to register for new classes, add classes from a waitlist, or graduate until they have renewed their Ecclesiastical Endorsement. If an endorsement expires mid-semester, no classes will be dropped.

If you are planning to graduate soon, please be aware that you must have an active endorsement on the last day of finals for your degree to post. If your endorsement is going to expire prior to the last day of finals, then you must renew your endorsement.

If you are currently in the FLEX GE program you will need what is called an applicant-level endorsement which involves an interview with your Bishop AND someone from the Stake Presidency.